A trusted, long-lasting partnership for remote patient monitoring

Working together with healthcare providers, our flexible platform goes beyond virtual wards to reach more patients at home, easing future service demands.


Our NHS customers' evidence

Heart failure - Germany
Heart failure programme
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
  • 81% reduction in unplanned admissions
  • 65% decrease in A&E visits
  • Net hospital cost saving of £398,653 (73 patients in 90 days)
COPD - Germany
COPD programme

All Together Better Alliance Sunderland

  • 58% reduction in emergency admissions
  • 34% reduction in primary care usage
Placeholder Germany
COPD programme

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

  • 98% of patients remained in place of residence
  • 88% of assessments required no further referral
Luscii has freed up over 100 years of care and is already NICE recommended for ARI, while we are also one of a small number of companies being considered by NICE as part of its Early Value Assessment for COPD.

Why partner with Luscii?

Co-create a remote monitoring strategy for success with Luscii as your long-lasting partner.

Our partnership is built on active listening and continuous learning from patients and practitioners, ensuring your remote monitoring strategy is custom-designed to drive your long-term success. By bringing your team and ours together, we tackle the most significant challenges with dynamic solutions that deliver tangible results for patients and create lasting impact.

Create and customise your own pathways, or choose from our library of 150+ pre-existing ones—developed in partnership with NHS clinical teams and aligned with NHS guidelines for quick and simple implementation.

Luscii has the most intuitive and flexible patient pathway builders to meet more patients needs. Our commitment to interoperability ensures effortless integration with your existing core systems, streamlining operations and improving user experience.

Make sustainable and scalable digital health transformation possible with Luscii.

As an Omron Healthcare Service, we have the longevity and expertise to support you with your digital health transformation journey. Luscii For All is our scalable business model designed to support inclusivity and your whole patient population across the care continuum, rather than a transaction based licence. From prevention and virtual wards to long-term condition management, we’re your future-focused partner for remote monitoring.

Trusted by ICSs, trusts and PCNs

The Platform

Luscii has the most intuitive clinical dashboard and flexible patient pathway builder


Co-creating a bespoke remote monitoring strategy for long-lasting success

Luscii Pyramidi of Care@2x (1)

Our Luscii Library

Ready-to-use care at home programmes for up to 150 different conditions

Our Luscii Library

At Luscii, we help clinicians embrace ongoing healthcare changes and align with the NHS’ goals for virtual wards, home hospitals, and remote patient monitoring for long-term conditions. We offer more than 150 existing programmes for various long-term conditions, including COPD, Asthma, and Heart Failure. Created in collaboration with NHS clinical teams and guidelines, these programmes are ready to implement within your ICS.

We also assist clinicians in creating customised programmes via our easy-to-use, scalable platform. Our commitment to interoperability ensures effortless integration with your core systems, streamlining operations and enhancing user experience.

Build your own care
at home program 

Become a Medical Developer

Already launched
in 11 countries

In Europe and Africa

A tribute to the lady
with the lamp

The Luscii story

Stop faxing
in healthcare

Seamless EMR integration

Changing the future of healthcare

One remote monitoring app for all conditions