The system-wide platform for healthcare at home 

Connecting the dots between acute, primary, and community care in remote patient monitoring


Long-term condition management and virtual wards built around the ICS

Luscii gives patients more control over their health, giving clinicians back time to focus on the patients who need it most.
Luscii’s diverse care pathways provide a comprehensive, ICS-wide structure for virtual wards and long-term condition management, enabling the NHS to address the most crucial challenges.
Our user-friendly platform supports 150+ programmes backed by over 30 clinical studies, enabling effective management of chronic conditions to improve patient and provider outcomes - reducing GP visits, ambulance conveyances, A&E attendances and hospital admissions, while facilitating early discharges and cutting costs.
As an Omron Healthcare Service, we combine our collective knowledge of long-term condition management to offer the most comprehensive system-wide solution, with a roadmap of devices that will bring value to patients and health systems.

Trusted by ICSs, trusts and PCNs

Our NHS impact, so far

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Heart failure programme

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

  • 81% reduction in unplanned admissions
  • 65% decrease in A&E visits
  • Net hospital cost saving of £398,653 (73 patients in 90 days)

COPD Programme

All Together Better Alliance Sunderland

  • 58% reduction in emergency admissions
  • 34% reduction in primary care usage

COPD Programme

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

  • 98% of patients remained in place of residence
  • 88% of assessments required no further referral

The most comprehensive, intuitive, and expertly-backed platform for remote patient monitoring



Our system covers all regions, patient journeys, and conditions, simplifying collaboration among providers through our Care Networks feature and by offering over 150 care pathways for long-term condition management. Our smart protocols ensure seamless transitions and distinction between care levels.


We're proud to collaborate with Apple to offer the most accessible and user-friendly platform that instills confidence in both healthcare providers and patients, promoting widespread use and equality. Our specialists teach clinicians how to build and implement custom pathways or use our library of pre-existing ones. Our focus on interoperability allows for easy integration with your core systems.

Expert partners

With over a decade of experience implementing remote monitoring solutions in 10 countries, we've optimised our implementation journey and continually share our knowledge through Luscii Academy and partnership events. Our partnership with global medical device experts, Omron, allows us to offer a comprehensive solution and a roadmap of devices beneficial to patients and health systems.

A system-wide solution for your ICS

Luscii Pyramidi of Care@2x (1)

Proud winners of prestigious awards


Our Luscii Library

We offer more than 150 existing programmes for various conditions. Created in collaboration with NHS clinical teams and following NHS guidelines, these programmes are ready for implementation.

At Luscii, we help clinicians and patients embrace changes that align with the NHS' goals for virtual wards, home hospitals, and remote patient monitoring.

We assist clinicians in creating customised pathways and offer an intuitive platform for patients. This leads to high user engagement and compliance, resulting in improved outcomes for all.

Adopting Remote Monitoring at Scale: Key Successes from the Largest COPD Remote Monitoring Adoption in the UK

Watch this CPD-accredited webinar with GovConnect to learn about the Airedale NHS Foundation Trust's roll-out of COPD remote monitoring using Luscii. Rachel Binks, Nurse Consultant at Airedale, discusses the successes, challenges, and impacts of delivering remote monitoring at scale.

Connecting the dots in healthcare: Free annual event

The Luscii Medical Developer Conference (LMDC) gathers health care leaders from throughout the UK to discuss their experiences in transforming home-based digital care.